Now What?

If you’ve been going through a transition in your job, life, or ministry, and you’ve reached your destination, you may be saying to yourself, “Now what?”

You were obedient to transition. Now what? Here are two things you’re going to need to do to succeed in your new season.

Evaluate what you’ve brought with you.

In my case, we’ve moved our home and ministry offices. In the new location, we’ve needed to throw away some of the old things that we brought with us. They don’t fit in the new location, and they are no longer a blessing. It was time to purge them.

In a new season, you need to be aware that some things from your past may not easily fit. They may be a hindrance. You can apply that concept to your thought processes, your priorities, your style of interaction with others, and your view of how things should be done.

Continue to adapt.

At the beginning of a new season, you will need to be adaptable. You will need to adjust to your new environment and opportunities. If you’ll be working for someone else, you’ll need to adapt to a new structure and vision. If you’re starting something completely new, you will need to remain focused on God and His continual direction for that new initiative. If you’re in a new iteration of ministry like I am, you cannot build your new season on your old experiences, so you’ll need to change the way you see and do things.

The reason you’re in a new season is so it can be new.

Jesus said, “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.” Matthew 2:21-22 (NASB)

You’re in the season of new. Take a minute and look at what you’re doing and what you’ve brought with you from the past season. Do you need to leave some relationships behind? Do you need to change your perspective? Do you need to stop relying on what you know, and instead ask God, “What do I need to do now, and how should I do it?”

God has the answers, and He will lead you to what you need to know.

If you would like to read my other posts about the different stages of transition and how to successfully navigate them, you can find them here: Are You Where You’re Supposed to Be?, Overcoming Fear in Transition, and How to Handle Change in a New Season.


What Drives You?


What Do You Bring to the Table?